
Are Blackjack Odds Better With More Players?
Blackjack is a popular game that many people enjoy both in casinos and online platforms. Whether you're a seasoned player or just starting, one question often pops up: "Do more players at the table ...
Blackjack 5 Card Trick: Does 5 Card Trick Beat 21?
Blackjack is a popular casino game that has captivated players for years. One interesting aspect of the game is the "5 Card Trick," which involves drawing five cards without going over 21. In this ...
Can The House Edge Be Beaten In Roulette?
Many people enjoy playing roulette, and many of them wonder if there is a way to gain an edge or beat the game. But roulette, like almost all casino games, has a built-in advantage known as the ...
Card Values In Blackjack - Blackjack Hand Values
Welcome to our guide on understanding card values in blackjack. Whether you're new to the game or looking to refresh your knowledge, knowing the values of each card is essential foundational ...
How To Buy Free Spins On Slots In The UK?
Free spins are one of the most popular features in slot games. They offer additional chances to land winning combinations without taking from your funds. Now, you may have heard that it's possible ...
Do Expensive Scratch Cards Have Better Odds?
Have you ever stood in front of a selection of scratch cards, wondering if the pricier ones might give you a better chance at winning? It's a common question and one we shall address. In this blog ...
Do You Pay Tax On Lottery Winnings In The UK?
After thinking of all the incredible things one might do if they won the jackpot in the lottery, a practical question often comes to mind: "Do I have to pay tax on lottery winnings in the ...
Is Fantasy Football Gambling? Fantasy Football UK
Have you ever wondered whether Fantasy Football falls into the realm of gambling? You're not alone. Many in the UK find themselves pondering this very question as they set their teams for the coming ...
What Are The Rules Of Baccarat?
Curious about how to play Baccarat? You're in the right place! Baccarat is a popular card game you'll find in many online casinos in the UK. It's a game of chance that's straightforward once you ...
Why Is A Bookie Called A Turf Accountant?
Ever wondered where the term "Turf Accountant" comes from? It's a bit of old-fashioned British slang for what we now often call a bookie or bookmaker. This nickname sheds light on the traditional ...